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Darling-Hammond, L., Flook, L., Cook-Harvey, C., Barron, B., & Osher, D. (2019). Implications for educational practice of the science of learning and development. Applied Developmental Science, 1-44.
Davis, H. A. (2006). Exploring the contexts of relationship quality between middle school students and teachers. The Elementary School Journal, 106(3), 193-223.
Moje, E. B. (1996). “I teach students, not subjects”: Teacher‐student relationships as contexts for secondary literacy. Reading Research Quarterly, 31(2), 172-195.
Rimm-Kaufman, S., & Sandilos, L. (2011). Improving students' relationships with teachers to provide essential supports for learning. Retrieved from American Psychological Association website:
Stafford-Brizard, K. B. (2015). Building blocks for learning: A framework for comprehensive student development. Retrieved from Turnaround for Children website: