References: Discussing Emotions

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Ahmed, W., Van der Werf, G., Kuyper, H., & Minnaert, A. (2013). Emotions, self-regulated learning, and achievement in mathematics: A growth curve analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(1), 150-161.

Beilock, S.L., & Willingham, D.T. (2014). Math anxiety: Can teachers help students reduce it? American Educator, Summer Issue, 28-32, 43.

Cohen, J. (2001). Social and emotional education: Core concepts and practices. In J. Cohen (Ed.), Caring classrooms/intelligent schools: The social emotional education of young children (Chapter 1). New York: Teachers College Press.

Didehbani, N., Allen T., Kandalaft, M., Krawczyk, D., & Chapman, S. (2016). Virtual reality social cognition training for children with high functioning autism. Computers in Human Behavior, 62, 703-711.

Jones, S. M., & Bouffard, S. M. (2012). Social and emotional learning in schools: From programs to strategies. Sharing Child and Youth Development Knowledge, 26(4), 1-24.

Macklem, G. (2010). Practitioner's guide to emotional regulation in school-age children. New York: Springer Science + Business Media, LLC.

Mahoney, J.L., Weissberg, R.P., Greenberg, M.T., … Yoder, N. (2020). Systemic social and emotional learning: Promoting educational success for all preschool to high school students. American Psychologist.

Oberle, E., Domitrovich, C. E., Meyers, D. C., Weissberg, R. P. (2016). Establishing systemic social and emotional learning approaches in schools: A framework for schoolwide implementation. Cambridge Journal of Education.

Tan, K., Sinha, G., Shin, O.J., & Wang, Y. (2018). Patterns of social-emotional learning needs among high school freshmen students. Children and Youth Services Review, 86, 217-225.

Voss, C., Schwartz, J., Daniels, J., … Wall, D.P. (2019). Effect of wearable digital intervention for improving socialization in children with autism spectrum disorder: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Pediatrics, 173(5), 446-454.