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Boutte, G.S., Lopez-Robertson, J. & Powers-Costello, E. (2011). Moving beyond colorblindness in early childhood classrooms. Early Childhood Education Journal, 39, 335
Han, H.S., & Thomas, M.S. (2010). No Child Misunderstood: Enhancing Early Childhood Teachers' Multicultural Responsiveness to the Social Competence of Diverse Children. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37, 469–476
Husband, T. (2008). He's too young to learn about that stuff: An examination of critical, anti-racist pedagogy in an early childhood classroom (Doctoral dissertation, The Ohio State University).
Kier, M. W., & Blanchard, M. R. (2021). Eliciting students' voices through STEM career explorations. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 19(1), 151-169.
Nash, K., Howard, J., Miller, E., Boutte, G., Johnson, G., & Reid, L. (2018). Critical racial literacy in homes, schools, and communities: Propositions for early childhood contexts. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 19(3), 256–273.
White, A. & Wanless, S. B. (2019). P.R.I.D.E.: Positive Racial Identity Development in Early Education. Journal of Curriculum, Teaching, Learning and Leadership in Education, 4 (2), Article 9.