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Feldman, J. (2020). Taking the Stress Out of Grading. Educational Leadership, 78(1), 14-20.
Love, N. & Crowell, M. (2018). Strong teams, strong results: Formative assessment helps teacher teams strengthen equity. The Learning Professional, 39(5), 34-39.
Mahmood, D. & Jacobo, H. (2019). Grading for growth: Using sliding scale rubrics to motivate struggling learners. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 13(2).
Olsen, B. & Buchanan, R. (2019). An investigation of teachers encouraged to reform grading practices in secondary schools. American Educational Research Journal, 56(5), 2004-2039.
Quinn, D.M. (2021). How to reduce racial bias in grading. Education Next, 21(1).
Quinn, D. M. (2020). Experimental evidence on teachers' racial bias in student evaluation: The role of grading scales. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 42(3), 375-392.
Salend, S. J., & Duhaney, L. M. G. (2002). Grading students in inclusive settings. Teaching Exceptional Children, 34(3), 8-15.
Wakeman, S. y., Thurlow, M., Reyes, E., & Kearns, J. (2021). Fair and equitable grading for all students in inclusive settings. Inclusive Practices, 1(4).