References: Explicit Instruction: Handwriting

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Engel, C., Lillie, K., Zurawski, S., & Travers, B. G. (2018). Curriculum-based handwriting programs: A systematic review with effect sizes. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 72(3), 7203205010.

Dinehart, L. H. (2015). Handwriting in early childhood education: Current research and future implications. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 15(1), 97-118.

Graham, S., Harris, K. R., & Fink, B. (2000). Is handwriting causally related to learning to write? Treatment of handwriting problems in beginning writers. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92, 620-633.

Kadar, M., Wan Yunus, F., Tan, E., Chai, S. C., Razaob, Razab, N. A., & Mohamat Kasim, D. H. (2020). A systematic review of occupational therapy intervention for handwriting skills in 4–6 year old children. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 67(1), 3-12.

Kent, S., Wanzek, J., Petscher, Y., Al Otaiba, S., & Kim, Y. S. (2014). Writing fluency and quality in kindergarten and first grade: The role of attention, reading, transcription, and oral language. Reading and writing, 27(7), 1163-1188.

Limpo, T., & Graham, S. (2020). The role of handwriting instruction in writers' education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 68(3), 311-329.

Marr, D., Windsor, M., Cermak, S. (2001). Handwriting readiness: Locatives and visuomotor skills in the kindergarten year. Early Childhood Research & Practice: An Internet Journal on the Development, Care, and Education of Young Children 3(1). 1-17.

Taylor, B., Speight, H., McKinney, M., Carter, E., James, L., & Donica, D. (2020). The impact of an occupational therapy–based handwriting program for a preschool student. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 74(4_Supplement_1), 7411515453.

Valdez, S. B. (2017). The effect of Handwriting Without Tears on Montessori four-year-olds' handwriting ability. (Master's Thesis). St. Catherine's University