References: Goal Setting & Monitoring

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Cullen, K. W., Baranowski, T. O. M., & Smith, S. P. (2001). Using goal setting as a strategy for dietary behavior change. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 101(5), 562-566.

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Harris, K. R., Graham, S., Reid, R., McElroy, K., & Hamby, R. S. (1994). Self-monitoring of attention versus self-monitoring of performance: Replication and cross-task comparison studies. Learning Disability Quarterly, 17(2), 121-139.

Rahman, M. M. (2010). Teaching oral communication skills: A task-based approach. ESP world, 9(1), 1-11.

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West, R. L., Dark-Freudeman, A., & Bagwell, D. K. (2009). Goals-feedback conditions and episodic memory: Mechanisms for memory gains in older and younger adults. Memory, 17(2), 233-244.

West, R. L., Welch, D. C., & Thorn, R. M. (2001). Effects of goal-setting and feedback on memory performance and beliefs among older and younger adults. Psychology and Aging, 16(2), 240.