References: Mentor Texts

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Dorfman, L. R., & Cappelli, R. (2009). Nonfiction mentor texts: Teaching informational writing through children's literature, K-8. Portsmouth, NH: Stenhouse Publishers.

Escobar Alméciga, W. Y., & Evans, R. (2014). Mentor texts and the coding of academic writing structures: A functional approach. HOW, 21(2), 94-111.

Gainer, J. (2013). 21st‐century mentor texts: Developing critical literacies in the information age. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 57(1), 16-19.

Gallagher, K. (2014). Making the most of mentor texts. Educational Leadership, 71(7), 28-33.

Muhammad, G. E. (2015). The role of literary mentors in writing development: How African American women's literature supported the writings of adolescent girls. Journal of Education, 195(2), 5-14.

Muhammad, G. (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic Incorporated.

Newman, B. (2012). Mentor texts and funds of knowledge: Situating writing within our students' worlds. Voices from the Middle, 20(1), 25-30.