References: Music and Dance

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Akhshabi, M., Moradi, Y., & Dortaj, F. (2022). Investigating the music and melodic teaching impacts on the math learning progress of elementary school students. Iranian Journal of Learning & Memory, 5(17), 33-39.

Bryce, K. E. (2016). Do-re-mi, one-two-three: Integrating music into math program delivery to address math anxiety [Master's research project]. TSpace. University of Toronto.

Cranmore, J., & Tunks, J. (2015). High school students' perceptions of the relationship between music and math. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 27(1).

Dekaney, E.M. & Robinson, N.R. (2014). A comparison of urban high school students' perception of music, culture, and identity. Journal of Music Teacher Education, 24(1), 89-102.

Fitzpatrick, K. R. (2012). Cultural diversity and the formation of identity: Our role as music teachers. Music Educators Journal, 98(4), 53-59.

Jensen, E. (2005). Teaching with the brain in mind, 2nd edition. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Kraus, N. (2016). Music, hearing, and education: From the lab to the classroom. ENT and Audiology News, 25(4), 94, 96.

Lobo, T. B. & Winsler, A. (2008). The effects of a creative dance and movement program on the social competence of head start preschoolers. Social Development, 15(3), 501-519.

Opprezzo, M., & Schwartz, D.L. (2014). Give your ideas some legs: The positive effect of walking on creative thinking. The Journal of Experimental Psychology, 40(4), 1142-1152.

Simhon, V., Elefant, C., & Orkibi, H. (2019). Associations between music and the sensory system: An integrative review for child therapy. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 64, 26-33.

Varadi, J. (2022). A review of the literature on the relationship of music education to the development of socio-emotional learning. Original Research. 1-11.