References: Positive Self-talk

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Aronson, J. (2004). The threat of stereotype. Educational leadership, 62, 14-20.

Brooks, A.W (2013). Get Excited: Reappraising Pre-Performance Anxiety as Excitement. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 143(1), 1144-58.

Borman, G. D., Choi, Y., & Hall, G. J. (2021). The impacts of a brief middle-school self-affirmation intervention help propel African American and Latino students through high school. Journal of Educational Psychology, 113(3), 605.

Cohen, G. L., & Sherman, D. K. (2014). The psychology of change: Self-affirmation and social psychological intervention. Annual review of psychology, 65, 333-371.

Critcher, C. R., & Dunning, D. (2015). Self-affirmations provide a broader perspective on self-threat. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 41(1), 3-18.

Feeney, D. M. (2022). Positive self-talk: an emerging learning strategy for students with learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 57(3), 189-193.

Harris, K. R., Graham, S., Mason, L. H., & Friedlander, B. (2008). Powerful writing strategies for all students. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Kolovelonis, A., Goudas, M., & Dermitzaki, I. (2011). The effects of instructional and motivational self-talk on students' motor task performance in physical education. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 12(2), 153-158.

Mason, L. H. (2013). Teaching students who struggle with learning to think before, while, and after reading: Effects of self-regulated strategy development instruction. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 29(2), 124-144.

Thomaes, S., Tjaarda, I. C., Brummelman, E., & Sedikides, C. (2020). Effort self‐talk benefits the mathematics performance of children with negative competence beliefs. Child Development, 91(6), 2211-2220.

Wu, Z., Spreckelsen, T. F., & Cohen, G. L. (2021). A meta‐analysis of the effect of values affirmation on academic achievement. Journal of Social Issues, 77(3), 702-750.