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Ajideh, P. (2003). Schema theory-based pre-reading tasks: A neglected essential in the ESL reading class. The Reading Matrix, 3(1).
Clinton, V., & Van den Broek, P. (2012). Interest, inferences, and learning from texts. Learning and Individual Differences, 22(6), 650-663.
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Marinaccio, J. (2012). The most effective pre-reading strategies for comprehension (Unpublished master's thesis). St. John Fishers College, New York.
Taboada, A., & Guthrie, J. T. (2006). Contributions of student questioning and prior knowledge to construction of knowledge from reading information text. Journal of Literacy Research, 38(1), 1-35.
Thomas, A. F., & Vannatta Reinhart, R. (2014). Pre-reading power: One classroom's experience. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas, 87(6), 264-269.