References: Reflect on Learning

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Cohen, J. (2001). Social and emotional education: Core concepts and practices. In J. Cohen (Ed.), Caring classrooms/intelligent schools: The social emotional education of young children (Chapter 1). New York: Teachers College Press.

Immordino-Yang, M.H., & Faeth, M. (2016). The role of emotion and skilled intuition in learning. In M.H. Immordino-Yang (Ed.), Emotions, learning, and the brain (93-105). New York: W.W. Norton & Company.

McMahon, S. D., Wernsman, J., & Rose, D. S. (2009). The relation of classroom environment and school belonging to academic self-efficacy among urban fourth-and fifth-grade students. The Elementary School Journal, 109(3), 267-281.

Mercer, S., & Ryan, S. (2009). A mindset for EFL: Learners' beliefs about the role of natural talent. ELT Journal, 70(3), 436-444.

Ramirez, G., & Beilock, S. L. (2011). Writing about testing worries boosts exam performance in the classroom. Science, 331(6014), 211-213.

Schroder, H. S., Fisher, M. E., Lin, Y., Lo, S. L., Danovitch, J. H., & Moser, J. S. (2017). Neural evidence for enhanced attention to mistakes among school-aged children with a growth mindset. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 24, 42-50.