References: Rich Resources: Audio & Braille

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Educational Testing Service. (2006). Designing adaptive, diagnostic math assessments for individuals with and without visual disabilities. Princeton, NJ: Shute, V. J., Graf, E. A., & Hansen, E. G.

Karshmer, A. I., & Bledsoe, C. (July). Access to mathematics by blind students. In International conference on computers for handicapped persons (pp. 471-476). Berlin, Germany: Springer.

Soiffer, N. (2005). MathPlayer: Web-based math accessibility. In Proceedings of the 7th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on computers and accessibility (pp. 204-205). Baltimore, MD: ACM.

Shumila, D., Shumila, J., & Hall, H. (1998, February). A review of online education for students with print impairments. Paper presented at the CSUN: Technology and Persons with Disabilities Conference, Northridge, CA.