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Anderson, K. L., & Goldstein, H. (2004). Speech perception benefits of FM and infrared devices to children with hearing aids in a typical classroom. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 35(2), 169-184.
Bamiou, D. E., Campbell, N., & Sirimanna, T. (2006). Management of auditory processing disorders. Audiological Medicine, 4(1), 46-56.
Crandell, C. C., & Smaldino, J. J. (2000). Classroom acoustics for children with normal hearing and with hearing impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31(4), 362-370.
Shield, B., Greenland, E., & Dockrell, J. (2010). Noise in open plan classrooms in primary schools: A review. Noise and Health, 12(49), 225.
Skoe, E., Krizman, J., & Kraus, N. (2013). The impoverished brain: Disparities in maternal education affect the neural response to sound. The Journal of Neuroscience 33(44), 17221-17231.
Smaldino, J. J., & Crandell, C. C. (2000). Classroom amplification technology: Theory and practice. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 31(4), 371-375.