References: Think-Pair-Share

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Allison, B., & Rehm, M. (2007). Effective teaching strategies for middle school learners in multicultural, multilingual classrooms. Middle School Journal, 39(2), 12-18.

Amelia, K. R. (2016). Using think-pair-share-strategy to improve vocabulary and reading comprehension achievements of eighth grade students. The Journal of English Literacy Education: The Teaching and Learning of English as a Foreign Language, 3(2), 148-156.

American Psychological Association, Coalition for Psychology in Schools and Education. (2015). Top 20 principles from psychology for preK–12 teaching and learning. Retrieved from

Education Endowment Foundation. (2018). Collaborative learning: Moderate impact for very low cost, based on extensive evidence. Teaching & learning toolkit. Retrieved from

Gillies, R., & Boyle, M. (2013). Cooperative learning: A smart pedagogy for successful learning. University of Queensland: School of Education Cooperative Learning Project.

Kaddoura, M. (2013). Think pair share: a teaching learning strategy to enhance students' critical thinking. Educational Research Quarterly, 36(4), 3-24.

Shih, Y. C., & Reynolds, B. L. (2015). Teaching adolescents EFL by integrating think-pair-share and reading strategy instruction: A quasi-experimental study. RELC Journal, 46(3), 221-235.

Slavin, R.E. (2014). Cooperative learning and academic achievement: Why does groupwork work?. Anales de Psicologia 30(3), 785.791.

Stevens, R. J. (2003). Student team reading and writing: A cooperative learning approach to middle school literacy instruction. Educational Research and Evaluation, 9(2), 137-160.

Taylor, H. E., & Larson, S. (1999). Social and emotional learning in middle school. The Clearing House, 72(6), 331-336.

Tenenbaum, H. R., Winstone, N. E., Leman, P. J., & Avery, R. E. (2019). How effective is peer interaction in facilitating learning? A meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology.

Thomas, A. F. (2015). Increasing student motivation and engagement in sixth grade reading assignments. The California Reader, 48(4), 27-35.

Vygotsky, L. S. (1978). Mind in society (Eds. M. Cole, V. John-Steiner, S. Scribner, & E. Souberman). Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Wicaksono, R. S., & Susilo, H. (2019). Implementation of problem based learning combined with think pair share in enhancing students' scientific literacy and communication skill through teaching biology in English course peer teaching, presented at The 2nd Annual International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education, Malang, Indonesia, 2019: IOP Publishing.