Project-based Learning
Project-based learning (PBL) actively engages learners in authentic tasks designed to create products that answer a given question or solve a problem. When educators act as facilitators and promote projects that are relevant to students as a part of the curriculum, students have agency over their learning, promoting self-efficacy and Motivation through this experiential learning. Working collaboratively on multimodal or cross-disciplinary projects as leaders and team-members can provide opportunities to build on individuals' experiences and strengths. It also can develop learners' collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking, and communication skills while fostering a Sense of Belonging. Educators should recognize that not all students have had previous experience with student-driven learning and may need additional support, including opportunities to participate successfully, and ample time to review materials and make decisions.
Example: Use This Strategy in the Classroom
See how educators collaborate to develop an interdisciplinary project for their Pre-K students. This project engages students through PBL by giving them the opportunity to act as zookeepers, with the task of designing a habitat for the zoo animals, incorporating role play, science, math, arts, and more.
Design It into Your Product
References Project-Based Learning
Almulla, M.A. (2020). The effectiveness of the project-based learning approach (PBL) approach as a way to engage students in learning. Sage Open,10(3), 1-15.
Beem, H. R. (2021, July). Exploring the Role of Project-based Learning in Building Self-efficacy in First-year African Engineering Students. In 2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access.
Belland, B. R., Glazewski, K. D., & Ertmer, P. A. (2009). Inclusion and problem-based learning: Roles of students in a mixed-ability group. RMLE online, 32(9), 1-19.
Condliffe, B. (2017). Project-Based learning: A literature review. Working Paper. MDRC.
Creghan, C., & Adair-Creghan, K. (2015). The positive impact of project-based learning on attendance of an economically disadvantaged student population: A multiyear study. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 9(2), 7.
Culclasure, B. T., Longest, K. C., & Terry, T. M. (2019). Project-based learning (Pjbl) in three southeastern public schools: Academic, behavioral, and social-emotional outcomes. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-Based Learning, 13(2), 5.
Duke, N.K., Halvorsen, A., Strachan, S.L, Kim. J., & Konstantopoulos, S. (2021). Putting PjBL to the test: The impact of project-based learning on second graders' social studies and literacy learning in low-SES school settings. American Educational Research Journal, 58(1), 160-200.
Eldiva, F. T., & Azizah, N. (2019, April). Project Based Learning in Improving Critical Thinking Skill of Children with Special Needs. In International Conference on Special and Inclusive Education (ICSIE 2018) (pp. 348-355). Atlantis Press.
Hendriani, A., Herlambang, Y. T., & Setiawan, D. (2020). Effectiveness of project-based learning models in improving the metacognition ability of elementary school students. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 17(8), 665-679.
Koparan, T., & Güven, B. (2014). The effect of project based learning on the statistical literacy levels of student 8th grade. European Journal of Educational Research, 3(3), 145-157.
Liu, M., & Hsiao, Y. P. (2002). Middle school students as multimedia designers: A project-based learning approach. Journal of interactive learning research, 13(4), 311-337.
Meyer, D. K., Turner, J. C., & Spencer, C. A. (1997). Challenge in a mathematics classroom: Students' motivation and strategies in project-based learning. The Elementary School Journal, 97(5), 501-521.
Reid-Griffin, A., Sterrett, W., & Stanback, A. (2020). Project-Based Learning (PjBL): Providing a community of engagement for middle school learners. Journal of Classroom Interaction, 55(1), 4-25.
Scogin, S.C., Kruger, C.J., Jekkals, R.E., & Steinfeldt, C. (2017). Learning by experience in a standardized testing culture: Investigation of a middle school experiential learning program. Journal of Experiential Education, 40(1), 39-57.
Additional Resources
Additional examples, research, and professional development. These resources are possible representations of this strategy, not endorsements.
Factors Supported by this Strategy
More Active Learning Strategies
Creating and acting out texts or original narratives can enhance literacy for young learners, solidifying their comprehension and building Narrative Skills.
Students activate more cognitive processes by exploring and representing their understandings in visual form.
When young children draw and are encouraged to explain their drawings, they are sharpening the cognitive and motor skills involved in conventional writing.
When students explain their thinking process aloud, they recognize the strategies they use and solidify their understanding.
Visiting places connected to classroom learning provides opportunities to deepen understanding through firsthand experiences.
Free choice supports learner interests and allows more complex social interactions to develop.
Games help students visualize new information and immerse themselves in the learning process.
Imagining allows students to step back from a problem or task and think about it from multiple angles.
Reading aloud allows students to hear and practice reading and fluency skills.
Playful activities, including pretending, games, and other child-led activities, can support the development of learners' Metacognition and also inspire their narratives and writing.
Response devices boost engagement by encouraging all students to answer every question.