Portrait of a Learner PK-3

Systems Change


Factor Connections

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Identity development is the process through which individuals develop a sense of self and establish a unique understanding of who they are. This process starts at birth, peaks at adolescence, and continues through adulthood. A few common aspects of Identity include race, ethnicity, gender, cultural background, and disability status. In childhood, we begin to form our Identities as we learn about ourselves and the world. Our Identities are what makes us who we are, and educators can help students recognize and celebrate their unique identities.

Main Ideas

Although every aspect of identity may develop in different ways, children start noticing (and asking about) similarities and differences between individuals from early in life. Parents and family members play a role in helping children learn about their Identities: passing down cultural traditions, answering questions, and discussing constructs like race and disability. Although parents from historically and systematically excluded backgrounds are more likely to discuss race with their children than white parents (an aspect of racial socialization), even in the absence of explicit discussion, by age five children typically have a sense of their own racial, ethnic, cultural, and gender Identity.

Even from an early age, Identity is intersectional: made up of many factors that combine to form our sense of self. Because of this, our Identities are not static: we can feel that some aspects of our Identity are more important or “central” than others, different environments may lead us to draw on some aspects of our Identity more than others, and we can discover new aspects to our Identity as we grow older, or shift how we feel about existing aspects. In addition, it is the interaction between the environment and students' identities that can lead to different behaviors and patterns of learning. It is also important to recognize that many people have concealed/non-apparent identities that may be stigmatized, such as physical or mental health, family circumstances, or learning disabilities. These non-apparent identities can be isolating, and can impact an individual's Sense of Belonging, Social Supports, and health. Students with learning disabilities may experience labeling, separation, and stereotyping in school, which may reduce a learner's Sense of Belonging and academic growth. Because we often cannot see all aspects of a learner's Identity, it is important for educators to strive not to make assumptions about students' Identities, and seek to create an environment where all students feel valued and have the space to grow and shine.

A Sense of Belonging and effective Social Supports can vary based on children's needs and Identity, their cultural context, and the situation at hand. When educational contexts are designed to promote a Sense of Belonging and perceived Social Supports for all students, Identity can play a positive role in Learner Mindset, Motivation, and academic achievement. Strong racial/ethnic Identity and role models with a shared Identity can help buffer children from the impact of stereotypes and discrimination. However, the interaction between a student's Identity and environment can lead to negative learning outcomes in less supportive environments. For example, during preschool, children become more aware of the stereotypes surrounding different Identities (including their own), becoming more susceptible to Stereotype Threat, which makes it harder for students to learn. When students with learning disabilities and ADHD are effective at camouflaging or masking due to Stereotype Threat, they are less likely to be identified or receive support in the early years. Research shows that students who receive early intervention have significant gains and improvement in social and emotional, cognitive, and adaptive and/or behavioral functioning.

In addition, when students do not see themselves represented in curricular or instructional practices, and/or when children's home environment and school environment emphasize different ways of knowing, this can create an environment that does not support a Sense of Belonging, leading to reduced Motivation and self-efficacy. Further, through conscious or unconscious bias, educators' perceptions of their students can affect learning outcomes: for instance, interpreting identical actions as more aggressive from students of some identities (e.g., Black boys), or unconsciously signaling to students that they may not belong in a domain due to stereotypes (e.g., having lower expectations for girls in math).

Because negative learning outcomes result from the interaction between an unsupportive environment and a marginalized Identity (or Identities), this means that educators have the opportunity to improve students' learning conditions and well-being by creating an environment where all students feel seen, represented, and respected. In addition, educators can provide learners opportunities for Identity development, by allowing students to consider and share aspects of their own Identity.

Learn More

  • Identity matters: A resource exploring how parents and teachers understand Identity development in young children, and the role this may play in learning.
  • Promoting equity at school: A resource exploring how educators can promote equity in their classrooms via intersectional pedagogy
  • Motivation in STEM: A resource exploring how gender biases can lead to Motivation differences in pursuing STEM learning.
  • Intersectional Identity negotiation: A resource exploring how young immigrant children navigate their intersectional identities.
  • Supporting the transgender community: A resource exploring how schools can support transgender students, parents, and staff members

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