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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.
No measures currently provided for this factor.
Bulthé, J., Prinsen, J., Vanderauwera, J., Duyck, S., Daniels, N., Gillebert, C. R., ... & De Smedt, B. (2019). Multi-method brain imaging reveals impaired representations of number as well as altered connectivity in adults with dyscalculia. NeuroImage, 190, 289-302.
Bull, R., Marschark, M., Sapere, P., Davidson, W. A., Murphy, D., & Nordmann, E. (2011). Numerical estimation in deaf and hearing adults. Learning and Individual Differences, 21(4), 453-457.
Carpentieri, J.D. & Frumkin, L. (2010) Adult numeracy: A review of research. National Research and Development Centre for Literacy and Numeracy (NRDC), Institute of Education, University of London.
Castronovo, J., & Delvenne, J. F. (2013). Superior numerical abilities following early visual deprivation. Cortex, 49(5), 1435-1440.
Cornoldi, C., Rivella, C., Montesano, L., & Toffalini, E. (2022). Difficulties of young adults with dyslexia in reading and writing numbers. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 55(4), 338-348..
Duverne, S., & Lemaire, P. (2005). Aging and mental arithmetic. J. I. D. Campbell (Ed.), The Handbook of Mathematical Cognition (pp. 397– 411). Psychology Press.
Fitzsimmons, C. J., Thompson, C. A., & Sidney, P. G. (2019). Confident or familiar? The role of familiarity ratings in adults' confidence judgments when estimating fraction magnitudes. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Psychology of Mathematics Education-North America Conference.
Göbel, S. M., & Snowling, M. J. (2010). Number-processing skills in adults with dyslexia. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(7), 1361-1373.
Geurten, M., & Lemaire, P. (2019). Metacognition for strategy selection during arithmetic problem-solving in young and older adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 26(3), 424-446.
Grotelueschen, A. D. (1979). Introductory material structure and prior knowledge effects on adult learning. Adult Education, 29(2), 75-82.
Grotlüschen, A., Mallows, D., Reder, S., & Sabatini, J. (2016). Adults with low proficiency in literacy or numeracy. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 131, OECD Publishing, Paris.
Hodzik, S., & Lemaire, P. (2011). Inhibition and shifting capacities mediate adults' age-related differences in strategy selection and repertoire. Acta Psychologica, 137(3), 335–344.
Hollis-Sawyer, L. (2011). A math-related decrement stereotype threat reaction among older nontraditional college learners. Educational Gerontology, 37(4), 292-306.
Kaufmann, L., von Aster, M., Göbel, S. M., Marksteiner, J., & Klein, E. (2020). Developmental dyscalculia in adults: Current issues and open questions for future research. Lernen und Lernstörungen, 1-12.
Jameson, M. M., & Fusco, B. R. (2014). Math anxiety, math self-concept, and math self-efficacy in adult learners compared to traditional undergraduate students. Adult Education Quarterly, 64(4), 306-322.
Lesgold, A. M., & Welch-Ross, M., & National Research Council. Committee on Learning Science: Foundations Applications to Adolescent Adult Literacies. (2012). Improving adult literacy instruction: Options for practice and research. National Academies Press.
Manly, M., & Ginsburg, L. (2010). Algebraic Thinking in Adult Education. National Institute for Literacy.
Mellard, D. F., Woods, K. L., & Lee, J. H. (2016). Literacy profiles of at‐risk young adults enrolled in career and technical education. Journal of Research in Reading, 39(1), 88-108.
Nicolas, P., Lemaire, P., & Régner, I. (2020). When and how stereotype threat influences older adults' arithmetic performance: Insight from a strategy approach. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(2), 343-367.
Osmon, D. C., Smerz, J. M., Braun, M. M., & Plambeck, E. (2006). Processing abilities associated with math skills in adult learning disability. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 28(1), 84–95.
Railo, H., Koivisto, M., Revosuo, A., & Hannula, M. (2008). The role of attention in subitizing. Cognition, 107, 82–104.
Rossi, S., Vidal, J., Letang, M., Houdé, O., & Borst, G. (2019). Adolescents and adults need inhibitory control to compare fractions. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 5(3), 314–336.
Skagerlund, K., Lind, T., Strömbäck, C., Tinghög, G., & Västfjäll, D. (2019). Financial literacy and the role of numeracy–How individuals' attitude and affinity with numbers influence financial literacy. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 74, 18-25.
Van Rinsveld, A., Brunner, M., Landerl, K., Schiltz, C., & Ugen, S. (2015). The relation between language and arithmetic in bilinguals: Insights from different stages of language acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 265.
Vigna, G., Ghidoni, E., Burgio, F., Danesin, L., Angelini, D., Benavides-varela, S., & Semenza, C. (2022). Dyscalculia in early adulthood: Implications for numerical activities of daily living. Brain Sciences, 12(373), 1–11.
Wilson, A. J., Andrewes, S. G., Struthers, H., Rowe, V. M., Bogdanovic, R., & Waldie, K. E. (2015). Dyscalculia and dyslexia in adults: Cognitive bases of comorbidity. Learning and Individual Differences, 37, 118–132.
Woodcock, R. W., McGrew, K. S., & Mather, N. (2001). Woodcock-Johnson® III NU Tests of Achievement. Rolling Meadows, IL: Riverside.
Xiao, F., Barnard-Brak, L., Lan, W., & Burley, H. (2019). Examining problem-solving skills in technology-rich environments as related to numeracy and literacy. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 38(3), 327-338.