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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.
Sleep Timing Questionnaire: (Monk et al., 2003): Self-report questionnaire to assess sleep-wake patterns on typical weekdays and weekends
Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: (Buysse et al., 1989): Self-report questionnaire to assess seven dimensions of sleep quality including sleep duration, disturbances, use of sleep medication, and daytime dysfunction.
Ancoli-Israel, S. (1997). Sleep problems in older adults: Putting myths to bed. Geriatrics, 52(1), 20–30.
Anderson, M. C., Green, C., & McCulloch, K. C. (2000). Similarity and inhibition in long-term memory: Evidence for a two-factor theory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 26(5), 1141-1159.
Babson, K. A., & Feldner, M. T. (2010). Temporal relations between sleep problems and both traumatic event exposure and PTSD: A critical review of the empirical literature. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 24(1), 1-15.
Boccabella, A., & Malouf, J. (2017). How do sleep-related health problems affect functional status according to sex?. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 13(5), 685-692.
Buysse, D. J., Reynolds III, C. F., Monk, T. H., Berman, S. R., & Kupfer, D. J. (1989). The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index: a new instrument for psychiatric practice and research. Psychiatry Research, 28(2), 193-213.
Chambers, E. C., Pichardo, M. S., & Rosenbaum, E. (2016). Sleep and the housing and neighborhood environment of urban Latino adults living in low-income housing: the AHOME study. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 14(2), 169-184.
Díaz-Román, A., Mitchell, R., & Cortese, S. (2018). Sleep in adults with ADHD: Systematic review and meta-analysis of subjective and objective studies. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 89(February), 61–71.
Fossum, I. N., Nordnes, L. T., Storemark, S. S., Bjorvatn, B., & Pallesen, S. (2014). The association between use of electronic media in bed before going to sleep and insomnia symptoms, daytime sleepiness, morningness, and chronotype. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 12(5), 343-357.
Harrison, Y., & Horne, J. A. (1997). Sleep deprivation affects speech. Sleep, 20(10), 871-877.
Lim, J. & Dinges, D. F. (2010). A meta-analysis of the impact of short-term sleep depri-vation on cognitive variables. Psychological Bulletin, 136(3), 375–389.
Monk, T. H., Buysse, D. J., Kennedy, K. S., Potts, J. M., DeGrazia, J. M., & Miewald, J. M. (2003). Measuring sleep habits without using a diary: The sleep timing questionnaire. Sleep, 26(2), 208-212.
Okano, K., Kaczmarzyk, J. R., Dave, N., Gabrieli, J. D., & Grossman, J. C. (2019). Sleep quality, duration, and consistency are associated with better academic performance in college students. NPJ Science of Learning, 4(1), 1-5.
Rasch, B., & Born, J. (2013). About sleep's role in memory. Physiological Reviews, 93(2), 681-766.
Schneider, E. L., & Davidson, L. (2003). Physical health and adult well-being. In M. H. Bornstein, L. Davidson, C. L. M. Keyes, & K. A. Moore (Eds.), Crosscurrents in contemporary psychology. Well-being: Positive development across the life course (pp. 407-423). Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Simonelli, G., Leanza, Y., Boilard, A., Hyland, M., Augustinavicius, J. L., Cardinali, D. P., ... & Vigo, D. E. (2013). Sleep and quality of life in urban poverty: The effect of a slum housing upgrading program. Sleep, 36(11), 1669-1676.
Stickgold, R., Whidbee, D., Schirmer, B., Patel, V., & Hobson, J. A. (2000). Visual discrimination task improvement: A multi-step process occurring during sleep. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 12(2), 246–254.
Wagner, U., Gais, S., Haider, H., Verleger, R. & Born, J. (2004). Sleep inspires insight. Nature 427(6972), 352–355.
Wong, M. L., Lau, E. Y. Y., Wan, J. H. Y., Cheung, S. F., Hui, C. H., & Mok, D. S. Y. (2013). The interplay between sleep and mood in predicting academic functioning, physical health and psychological health: A longitudinal study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 74(4), 271-277.