Measures and References: References: Vision

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Numerous measures exist to gain a full picture of a student's learning strengths and challenges. Following are examples of measures used to assess this Learner Factor. These measures should be administered and interpreted by experienced professionals.

Vision: Screening (American Academy of Ophthalmology, 2014)**: Screening for difficulties with visual acuity in children typically involves an eye chart with shapes and symbols rather than letters, and the child identifies symbols with both eyes and each eye individually at varying distances.

Extensive Vision Evaluations: (American Optometric Association, 2019)**: These exams thoroughly test all aspects of Vision. This may include tests of visual field, binocular vision, convergence, and accommodation. ** Must be performed by a trained professional.


American Optometric Association. (2019). Limitations of Vision Screening Programs. Retrieved from:

Basch, C. E. (2011). Vision and the achievement gap among urban minority youth. Journal of School Health, 81(10), 599-605.

Feagans, L. V., & Merriwether, A. (1990). Visual discrimination of letter-like forms and its relationship to achievement over time in children with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 23(7), 417-425.

Glewwe, P., Park, A., & Zhao, M. (2016). A better vision for development: Eyeglasses and academic performance in rural primary schools in China. Journal of Development Economics, 122, 170-182.

Goldstand, S., Koslowe, K. C., & Parush, S. (2005). Vision, visual-information processing, and academic performance among seventh-grade schoolchildren: A more significant relationship than we thought? American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 59(4), 377-389.

Gudgel, D. (2014). Eye Screening for children. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Retrieved from:

Kulp, M. T. (1999). Relationship between visual motor integration skill and academic performance in kindergarten through third grade. Optometry & Vision Science, 76(3), 159-163.

Lack, D. (2010). Another joint statement regarding learning disabilities, dyslexia, and vision - A rebuttal. Optometry-Journal of the American Optometric Association, 81(10), 533-543.

Leung, M. M., Lam, C. S., Lam, S. S., Pao, N. W., & Li-Tsang, C. W. (2014). Visual profile of children with handwriting difficulties in Hong Kong Chinese. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(1), 144-152.

Rosner, J., & Rosner, J. (1987). Comparison of visual characteristics in children with and without learning difficulties. Optometry & Vision Science, 64(7), 531-533.

Sortor, J. M., & Kulp, M. T. (2003). Are the results of the Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration and its subtests related to achievement test scores? Optometry & Vision Science, 80(11), 758-763.

Verweyen, P. (2004). Measuring vision in children. Community Eye Health, 17(50), 27-29.