Foster Growth Mindset
Growth mindset is the belief that people can grow their intelligence and abilities (through effort, good strategies, and support from others). Educators can foster a growth mindset, an aspect of Learner Mindset, by providing feedback that recognizes the effort and normalizes mistakes and encourages learners to ask for help when needed. In addition, a growth mindset can be fostered by teaching learners that brains are malleable and that intellectual ability can be developed over time, and modeling the learning process which helps students become more resilient when they struggle. It is important to note that while students with learning disabilities benefit from a growth mindset, they may be more hesitant to take risks that support it due to feeling vulnerable about their learning struggles. Research has shown fostering a growth mindset is particularly effective in reducing the impact of Stereotype Threat on student performance, and can support emotional well-being. It is important to note that simply telling students about the concept of a growth mindset is unlikely to have an impact on its own: students need environments that provide opportunities to apply and benefit from their growth mindset.
Example: Use This Strategy in the Classroom
Watch how this educator uses a square to discuss related math concepts in her cultural context. By relating Geometric Reasoning and Measurement to her and her learners' culture, she creates a meaningful narrative that connects math to their lives.
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Additional Resources
Additional examples, research, and professional development. These resources are possible representations of this strategy, not endorsements.