Multimodal Instruction
Instruction in multiple formats allows students to activate different cognitive skills to understand and remember the steps they are to take in their math work. Instruction can incorporate text, visuals, gestures, manipulatives, and/or audio to facilitate increased student comprehension and retention in Short- and Long-term Memory.
Example: Use This Strategy in the Classroom
Starting from 3:54, watch how this fifth grade teacher provides multimodal instruction by using visuals in addition to verbal communication.
Design It into Your Product
Design It in your Product
Learn how MotionMath provides multimodal instruction and interactive games when solving challenging math problems. Learners can access the content through visuals, sound, and movement.
Additional Resources
Additional examples, research, and professional development. These resources are possible representations of this strategy, not endorsements.
Factors Supported by this Strategy
More Instructional Approaches Strategies
Providing math tasks with high cognitive demand conveys high expectations for all students by challenging them to engage in higher-order thinking.
CRA is a sequential instructional approach during which students move from working with concrete materials to creating representational drawings to using abstract symbols.
Knowing the language of math is critical because students must use this language to understand math concepts and determine calculations needed.
Thinking of and about patterns encourages learners to look for and understand the rules and relationships that are critical components of mathematical reasoning.
Teaching students to recognize common problem structures helps them transfer solution methods from familiar to unfamiliar problems.
Discussing strategies for solving mathematics problems after initially letting students attempt to problem solve on their own helps them understand how to organize their mathematical thinking and intentionally tackle problems.
In guided inquiry, teachers help students use their own language for constructing knowledge by active listening and questioning.
Math centers support learner interests and promote the development of more complex math skills and social interactions.
Through short but regular mindfulness activities, students develop their awareness and ability to focus.
Using multiple methods of assessment can help educators gain a comprehensive understanding of learner progress across a wide range of skills and content.
When teachers connect math to the students' world, students see how math is relevant and applicable to their daily lives.
A strengths-based approach is one where educators intentionally identify, communicate, and harness students' assets, across many aspects of the whole child, in order to empower them to flourish.
Untimed tests provide students the opportunity to flexibly and productively work with numbers, further developing their problem-solving abilities.
Writing that encourages students to articulate their understanding of math concepts or explain math ideas helps deepen students' mathematical understanding.