Portrait of a Learner 4-8

Systems Change


Factor Connections

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Safety is being and feeling physically and psychologically secure at home, at school, and within our neighborhood and larger community. Students who feel safe are better able to focus on learning and therefore are more likely to excel academically. Students who feel less safe tend to miss school and participate less often in class activities, therefore missing out on learning opportunities.

Main Ideas

There are a number of types of Safety that affect a student's learning including:

Bullying: Even under teacher supervision, bullying, primarily verbal aggression and exclusion behaviors, is common in classrooms. Bullying is unfortunately also common in the broader community outside of school. Students who are bullied in person or online typically experience higher rates of depression and anxiety and have lower levels of academic achievement. Perpetrators of bullying also experience higher levels of depression and suicidal ideation. . Many students experience school-based bullying, discrimination, or microaggressions as a result of aspects of their Identity (e.g., their race, gender or gender identity, disability status, or sexual orientation, among others).

Home Safety: Students can feel unsafe at home for many reasons, such as: frequently witnessing violence; being victims of abuse, or having caregivers who suffer from severe mental illness or substance abuse. Safety at home is critical to students' development because students who live in unsafe homes can suffer from chronic stress. The traumatic effects of living in an unsafe home can in turn make it difficult for students to reach their full potential at school.

Neighborhood Safety: Students who live in safe neighborhoods typically have better academic outcomes than students who witness violence in their communities. Exposure to violence and crime in the community is linked to many negative outcomes because students who live in unsafe neighborhoods experience chronic stress that has implications for their mental health, an aspect of Emotion.

School Safety: The reduction of bullying and school violence are two main goals of school Safety. Because of the many repercussions of bullying, all U.S. states have implemented legislation to combat bullying in school and cyberbullying that moves into the school space. And the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) issues nationwide guidance around the additional responsibility schools have to address the Safety of students who are bullied and also have disabilities.

Digital Safety: As learners become more avid users of media, including social media, it is important they understand and implement efficient digital safety practices, including protecting personal information, understanding the implications of cyberbullying and harassment, and consuming appropriate content. When caregivers and educators provide a safe space for learners to discuss online encounters and questionable content, they can support learners as they navigate digital spaces.

The prevalence of school shootings in recent years is also an important concern. Students who survive these traumatic events are at risk for experiencing serious psychological issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Yet, despite the increase in the number of victims of school shootings, overall crime rates in U.S. schools have declined in recent years due to increased security measures. Early findings for older students suggest that, while active shooter drills enhance student preparedness, they also bring more attention to the threat from potential shooters, which can increase anxiety. With the possible risks, it may be more effective to focus efforts on proactively creating a safe school environment.

Educators can help students experiencing a lack of Safety due to bullying by providing strong Social Supports. In the wake of traumatic incidents, educators can help by trying to keep children's routines normal, addressing children's concerns in developmentally appropriate ways, and by being available to listen and support students. At the same time, it is critical to acknowledge that educators can themselves lack support after traumatic incidents, which can make it more challenging to support others.

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